The matrix for this system will be very similar to the butadiene case. Unfortunately writing matrices here is difficult, but let me give a try. The matrix for butadiene:
| a-e , b , 0, 0 |
| b, a-e , b , 0 |
| 0 , b , a-e , b|
| 0 , 0 , b , a-e|
where a is alpha, b is beta and e is energy in the common notation for Huckel systems. Now, since we have O instead of C as the last atom we rewrite this matrix as:
| a-e , b , 0, 0 |
| b, a-e , b , 0 |
| 0 , b , a-e , bCO|
| 0 , 0 , bCO , aO-e|
where bCO is the beta parameter for the interaction between C and O and aO is the alpha parameter for O.
To solve this set of equations we need to know the values of bCO and aO - these are fitted to high-level QM using calcualtions for various systems. You can take the simple set suggested many yers ago from: which gives you:
bCO = 1.06*b (taken from the k_C-O1 value)
aO = a + 0.97*b (taken from the k_O1 value)
Substituting these value into the second matrix gives you a set of equation that can be easily solved using the standard algorithm for solving Huckel equations. Obviously the energetic levels as well as the total Energy will depend on a and b.