I have only 11 historic occurence/sighting points of Egyptian vulture in my district "Ganjam" from the year 2010 to 2020. So I need help in preparing the habitat suitability map for this species.
What is the purpose of the habitat suitability map? There are several options I can think of but these are dependent on the use of the map. For example for a general assessment you could just plot these 11 points on a map and look at the literature about what the species prefers and see if these correspond to your point localities. You could use a wider geographic area to model habitat suitability and apply this to your region using your point localities to test the model (to see how well the model predict these points). Breeding habitat and feeding habitat are likely to be different (e.g. nesting on rocky cliffs).
The differentiation between breeding habitat and feeding habitat is very important as the requirements for breeding are much more specific than for the search of food in this species. Do your data concern feeding or breeding birds?
You have fewer incidences, resulting from which once you fit the habitat suitability model into it may not be the most suitable model. And you will get a pixeled map because your occurrence and area both are limited. I recommend you go for Occupancy Modelling you will get a good result.
@Johaness Mayer, my data is related to both. Because these birds are resident to some points, where they both feed and breed. They never changed the place in whole year according to my observation so far.
Hello there, you can study about the habitat of vultures also distribution is very important for researcher to reach into the final map. We can take exact site throughout the software first and locate into the arc map and other software you can take it as your easy. vulture is one of the punctual species where they can reach into the habit in a exact time and will never change their site in a long period of time. you can collect so many data inside the territory of vultures habitat.