
I am currently situated in Paraguay, where I did research on howler monkeys. I am now in the data analysis fase of my project and pretty stuck.

Background of the project:

I played 5 different sounds (Ship horn, elephant, howling of conspecifics, people talking and a silent control) all once to 9 different monkey groups. The monkey groups were all divided into 3 different habitat types (natural, peri-urban and urban). Within the groups subjects were sampled based on age-sex category (e.g. AM-adult male, JF-juvenile female) and a couple of different reactions were measured, like vocalization, vigilance or movement towards the speaker.

Data collected:

My data was entered in excel with every trial as a row, with columns for the sound, habitat, visibility of the different age-sex categories when doing the trial and a column for every behavior type performed by every age-sex category like picture 1.

I added a column were I divided the behavior performed by a age-sex category, through the amount that age-sex category was visible, creating for example the 'CorTowardsAM' column (cor for corrected).

I then transformed this data to look like picture 2, where ValueMinute is the corrected amount of times a behavior in a particular situation was performed by a particular age-sex category per minute (since the time of sampling was different for a couple of sounds).

Now I do not really know how to analyse this. The main thing I want to know for my research question is if there is a difference in reaction between the habitat types and to a lesser extent between the sound types. Since however, the group compositions vary a lot between groups and also the visibility of subjects varied, I feel like I need to corrert for the differences in groups and age-sex categories.

I am looking now at options of doing multiple different anovas, a linear mixed effects model with habitat and sound as fixed effects and group and subject as random effects. Or maybe I should do an ANCOVA?

Truth is i am a bit lost with my data with so many variables and maybe potential biases.

Picture 3 is a plot from the data to help visualize what I have.

I was hoping if people with more knowledge about how data works could help me a little. Am I on the right track? Is the kind of data I have generally used in a linear mixed effects model? If not, how can I analyse it? If a linear mixed effects model is right, what do I do with the output and do I need to check assumptions beforehand?

Thanks a lot for everyone wanting to look at this long post!

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