07 March 2022 3 9K Report

Hello, I am a senior grade student in university and nowadays conducting a study about change of the urban structure(in terms of commercial activities) after certain transportation project.

After the project, several pedestrian roads will be installed(which is correspond to axial line in SSA) so that the number of people in the area will grow to much larger degree.

If I can quantify the differences of number of pedestrians between before/after of business commensement I will eventually reflect this as a variable to making a model(ex: regression, whatever) that analyzing commercial activity.

I've been studying SSM theory and notions, but couldn't find materials that I can get technical information...And as I heard, the procedure is AutoCAD or QGIS > depthmap > R, but so what? I have no idea how to do this in detail, and above all, I don't know how to use AutoCAD. So can anyone tell me how to analyize space syntax with QGIS? I've downloaded depthmapX 0.35 and QGIS space syntax toolkit already but don't know how to do further. I'm despairing now.

So please give your hand regarding this to this poor novice student :(

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