I am working on Simplified Trip on Project Software(STOPS) which is for the estimation of transit demand. Unfortunately, I could not find any resource to find this software conceptually, although it is easy to work. If any one understands this chart conceptually, please explain.

Also, I found that highway supply part is computed by following formula:

PMHT(I,J) = ∑ [highway person-trips(i,j) x highway distance(i,j) + auto-access trips(i,j) x auto-access distance(i,s)]

Where:  I, i = production district and zone

 J, j = attraction district and zone

 s = stop used for park-ride or kiss-ride access

 ∑ = sum over all i,j within each I,J 

PHMT change(I,J)  = Build PMHT(I,J) minus No-build PMHT(I,J)

And the Home-Based-Work part for demand:

Normalized CTPP transit share x [C x t(a) x CTPP workers(a)]

= linked HBW transit trips in rider-survey datasets

Can anyone introduce some resources that explain these formula and their usage to know about the inputs and outputs?

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