This means how it causes the killing of target cells? if due to pore formation that means it can kill all microbiota in the GI tract. is any specific interaction bet.. bacteriocin molecule and target cell. please give me detailed.
See this article: Bacteriocins: mechanism of membrane insertion and pore formation G N Moll, W N Konings & A J Driessen Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 1999 76 (1-4) 185–198.
There is usually a specific interaction where the bacteriocin binds to a receptor on the bacterial cell. This is the step that generally confers specificity and is why most bacteriocins are not broad spectrum anti-microbials.
It is true that most kill by pore formation in the membrane, however there are a number of notable exceptions that kill by inhibiting protein synthesis, degrade DNA or RNA or other mechanisms. Pore formation or membrane disruption is the most common though.