I have few doubts about Tafel plot, and iR correction.

A) About Tafel

1. Is it correct to plot Tafel from CV or from linear sweep voltammetry data?

a) If it is correct, Which points ( start and end) we have to considered?

b) If it is not correct which one is correct method to plot Tafel?

2.Right now i am using galvanodynamic technique to record tafel plot, is this methode correct.?

3.Please tell me is there any reference which explain about Tafel (Not about theory, but about practical way of doing it).

B) About iR correction

1. Is it correct to do iR correction by subtracting the Rct value (determined trough Impedance spectroscopy) from CV data.

2.If i determine the iR compensation value by using instrument, will it(instrument) considered the distance between working and reference electrodes.?

3. Once i determined iR compensations by using instrument ,is it correct to subtract these value from CV data to do IR correction.

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