Make sure you obtain some sort of legal protection for the data, otherwise you will see it published, possibly using the same analysis but with a different result, in other publications :)
Forensic accounting is a combination of accounting and investigative techniques used to discover financial crimes. One of the key functions of forensic accounting is to explain the nature of a financial crime to the courts. Forensic accounting is used by the insurance industry to establish damages from claims.
In order to search for a research topic, you may want to do the following: search on Google Scholar, and write the words "forensic accounting" or any other topic you want to write about. You will get many papers talking about such topic. Try to skim through these papers (especially the Abstracts) for 2 main reasons: 1- to see what has already been written about the topic, and 2- to check for the research gap/gaps that you want to cover in your study. This is a start. By the way, you may want to keep such relevant research papers to use them as references in your research.