I have a trail M-plus program and LISERL program , but i try to use these programs to built a structural equation modeling. please can any one help me by give me one of them.
I assume you have the appropriate statistical expertise/training so you do not mean a book on SEM or appropriate graduate courses to attend, but material specific to the the actual software. The MPlus userguide is at https://www.statmodel.com/download/usersguide/Mplus%20Users%20Guide%20v6.pdf
The LISREL guides are at https://www.ssicentral.biz/upload/lisrelresources.pdf
Oh, in that case you can easily navigate from those webpages to where you can buy those software. If you want freeware, there is lots out there. For this kind of thing I use lavaan (http://lavaan.ugent.be/), but since you named those two I assume you want them.