Ultisols and oxisols are two tropical soil orders which are characterized by high acidity and low fertility. Ultisols have a characteristic of producing clay layers which are characteristic. Ultisols have a characteristic of producing clay layers which are characteristic. Oxisols are more uniform and form little layers being Oxisols are more uniform and form little layers being Oxisols are more uniform and form little layers being Oxisols are more uniform and form little layers being oxic throughout. The University of Illinois has a good pictorial guide to the global soil orders which a short concise desription of each one.
The main difference is that oxisols have small differences in clay quantities among B horizons, and ultisols have a clear and abrupt difference in clay in the B horizon, which is denominated "textural B horizon". This characteristic leads to better permeability in oxisols than in ultisols, since textural b horizons have lower permeability.
Thanks to all of the researcher these materials will help me a lot in my study and all the answers add are awesome and very clear. Thanks to all dears.
Interesting question indeed. Infact , genesis of both Ultisol and Oxisol is governed by age of geomorphic surfaces and nature of parent material ,besides typical humid tropical climate .
In Ultisol, presence of plinthite resulting from wet-dry cycles due to fluctuating water table , presence of argillic(accumulated clay minerals in the B horizon) /kandic horizon over decomposed sedimentary rock ( e.g. Paleudult), low base saturation of
In relation to clay accumulation in the subsoil layers this can lead to very impeded drainage issues. Plow pans are something that need to be considered if we are to optimize the cropping potential. Subsoil acidity can lead to greatly restricted rooting potential and in these Oxisol and Ultisols liming to eliminate aluminum and manganese toxicity can be critical.