I want to study the effect of different parameters on the growth and lipid content of an algal member please let me know which statistical analyses are to be carried out and what is their significance. I am doing the experiments in triplicate.
Repeated measures make assumptions about your data that aren't really compatible with the world we live in. In addition, the models cannot handle missing data, or variation in the time points at which data are collected for individuals.
You would be advised to a) check out growth models and b) be suspicious of anyone who tells you what to do based on a four-line description of your research!
Growth models have become a powerful tool and it would be worth your while reading up on them. Check out
Curran PJ, Obeidat K, Losardo D. Twelve Frequently Asked Questions About Growth Curve Modeling. Journal of Cognition and Development. 2nd ed. 2010 Apr 30;11(2):121–36.
First of all, you should identify the type of data of each studied variable;
1- If the dependent variable is a categorical (ex; study subject: Case/Control) and the independent variable is also a categorical (ex; degree of approval: High/Intermediate/Low); For that you must use Chi-Square test to find out the relationship between the dependent and independent variables.
2- If the dependent variable is a scale (ex; lipid contents in gram:50g/100g/150g/so on..) and the independent variable is categorical and from two groups only (ex; gender: Male/Female); For that you must use t.Test test to find out the relationship between the dependent and independent variables.
3- If the dependent variable is a scale (ex; lipid contents in gram:50g/100g/150g/so on..) and the independent variable is categorical and from three groups or more (ex; degree of approval: High/Intermediate/Low); For that you must use ANOVA test to find out the relationship between the dependent and independent variables.
4- If the dependent variable is a scale (ex; lipid contents in gram:50g/100g/150g/so on..) and the independent variable is also a scale (ex; Weight:50kg/60kg/70kg/so on..); For that you must use Correlation test to find out the relationship between the dependent and independent variables.
For further clarification, I mention you the type of Data with an Examples:
I. Qualitative (categorical)
a. Dichotomous - binary
ex: Gender: male or female.
ex: Employment status: employment or without employment.
b. Ordinal
ex: Socioeconomic level: high, medium, low.
c. Nominal
ex:Residency place: center, North, South, East, West.
ex: Civil status: single, married, widowed, divorced, free union.
II. Quantitative (Scale)
a. Numeric Discrete
ex: Number of offspring: 1,2,3,4.
b. Continuous
ex: Glucose in blood level: 110 mg/dl, 145 mg/dl.
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