There are few bacteria which doesn't form biofilm. Can it gain ability to form biofilm? Does any mutation be a reason? or any environmental condition forces it to do so?
By formation of sticky adhesion layer of exopolysaccharides produce from potential bacterial biofilm producers and attached to animate or inanimate objects..
An example of this phenomenon, attachement of slimy polysaccharides produced from indole negative Proteus mirabilis to uroepithelial cells ( that is cslled in vivo biofilm). In addition to attachment of the slime to indwelling bladder catheter ( inanimate object)
This is quite an open question since (a) not all bacteria have been tested for biofilm growth and (b) researchers have not exhausted all possibile parameters for the cultivation of biofilms. I have used a number of parameters to stimulate biofilm growth when I worked with Carrier strains of Staphylococcus aureus and all of these were isolated from humans ! Researchers have found in recent years that even spiral organisms like spirochaetes form biofilms Article Synergistic biofilm formation by Treponema denticola and Por...
and helicobacter
Article Review article: Biofilm formation by Helicobacter pylori as ...
. so i would think it is highly possible if the right conditions are available.