When calculating the number of independent events and trapping rates for a camera trap study, I used a specific time interval between sequences to determine independence for single individuals of the same species. However, what to do with gregarious species? If in a sequence there is more than 1 individual of the same species (even if I cannot ID them individually), should I count this as 1 event or count the total of events according to the number of individuals?

This is important when calculating trapping rates as they can vary a lot for large groups like Mangabeys and chimpanzees. I have only found 1 paper that mentions specifically this issue: Monroy-Vilchis Octavio et al., Fototrampeo de mamíferos en la Sierra Nanchititla, México: abundancia relativa y patrón de actividad. Rev. biol. Trop., 2011 Mar; 59(1): 373-383.

Usually the type of definition for independent event I find are similar to this one: “Consecutive photographs of the same species at the same site were deemed independent when there was at least 1-h interval between them” without specifying what happens when more than 1 individual is recorded in the same sequence.

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