The Third Pan-Canadian Conference will take place on Oct 2nd-4th. The first two Pan-Canadian Conferences took place in 2015 and 2017, in Montreal and Charlottetown respectively. The third will, this year, take place at Royal Roads University, in Victoria.

We hope that you will be able to join us. The call for submission was originally July 31st but is has been pushed back to August 25th to accommodate folks who contacted us, and were on holidays but wished to submit. We hope you will consider submitting something.

There are four streams within the conference and we welcome submissions from K-12 educators, post-secondary instructors, instructional designers and student affairs/ student services personnel. Submissions are accepted in both official languages.

The conference will be the occasion for the North American launch of the book entitled Transforming out Educational World through Universal Design for Learning, edited by Sean Bracken and Katie Novak. Several of the authors will be in attendance and will offer a panel during the conference.

The Keynote has also been announced and Bonnie Stewart will discuss the intersection of open education and UDL, in a talk entitled: Open for Whom? At the intersection(s) of UDL & Open Practice.

There was also considerable interest at the last conference at UPEI for creating a Canadian non-profit for the promotion of UDL. We are hoping to see this become a reality this time round and will facilitate round tables with a view to the creation of such a non-profit organization.

We look forward to hearing from you, and would be grateful if you would please considering sharing this announcement with your networks. We thank BCcampus, our Gold Sponsor, and Blackboard ALLY, our Silver Sponsor, for their support.

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