01 January 1970 1 678 Report

Call for Papers

Energy Engineering new special issue“Eco Smart Materials for the Future Energies-(ECOSMATTECH 2024)”is open for submission now.

Submission Deadline: 30 November 2024

This special issue is for the selected papers from International conference on Eco Smart Materials for the Future Technologies(ECOSMATTECH-2024), which will be held from May 22nd to 26th, 2024. The Venue is in the Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat – Morocco. For the latest updates and more details : https://ecosmattech2024.com/.

The thematic collection will focus on the latest research and development work ranging from fundamental mechanisms and technical methods used in materials science to advanced nanotechnological applications in the energy field. Due to the ongoing and rapid developments in the field of materials, the collection will provide an assessment of recent developments in theoretical and experimental studies of material properties ranging from the massive to the nano, including low-dimensional systems in which quantum confinement of electrons is very important, as well as two-dimensional and nanostructured systems. The collection will also present the latest technological advances involving materials, for energy applications. Theoretical approaches to understanding materials properties and predicting their behavior in complex or inaccessible environments will also be covered. The latest developments in the field of theoretical methods using advanced quantum mechanical methods for energy applications, such as ab initio calculations based on density functional theory, will be also present.

For submission guidelines and details, visit: https://www.techscience.com/.../speci.../eco-smart-materials


Nanomaterials, thin films, solar energy, batteries

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