Hi everyone, I am trying to calculate the effect size of a study I am aiming to replicate (to run a G power analysis and find my required sample size). The thing is the R-squared mentioned in the regression table of the said study is of 0,007... which gives me quite unreachable sample size given my resources (> 1 300), but I am precisely trying to see if I did something wrong (although in the original paper N = 1 268, but they found a significant impact of the intervention in question for smaller samples of 700 participants too)
The randomized experiment consists of 4 conditions (Passive Control, Active Control, Treatment, Importance Treatment), and tests the effects of these conditions and of "news type" (the main task in every condition consists of presenting 36 headlines to participants, which are either true or false - each participant, whatever the group, being presented an equal amount of true AND false headlines randomly selected from a constituted set) on their sharing intentions of said headlines.
So this would call for (but correct me if I am wrong this is all very new to me) a two-way ANOVA analysis with the DV "sharing intentions" and IVs "condition" (4 levels) and "news type" (2 levels : false = 0, true = 1) (the design being between-subjects for conditions, but within-subjects for news type, which I understood could be a source of problem for G power...).
In their regression table, authors of the original study specifically find an interaction between Treatment and veracity with the following values: b = 0.054; F(1,6772) = 11.98; p = 0.0005, so that they can conclude there is a significant increase in sharing discernment (defined as the difference in sharing intentions for true vs false headlines) in Treatment group compared to controls (they first collapsed Passive and Active controls, since a preliminary analysis didn't find any significant main effect of condition or interaction with veracity for Active controls compared to Passive ones).
I calculated the effect size, based on the R-squared (0,007) when choosing linear multiple regression in G power (or using the partial-eta squared formula based on the value of F(1,6772) = 11.98 with its specified df when choosing an ANOVA - fixed effects, special, main effects and interactions) and both give me a sample size of 1300 or more. Did I do something wrong?
In passing, I am also not sure about the number of predictors (or respectively groups) I should enter in G power, as we want to replicate the study but ideally add the IV "age" (comparing 2 age groups, submitted otherwise to the same experiment - all participants whatever the age, will be randomly affected to the 4 conditions mentioned).
Thanks in advance!