I am working in the field of cancer biology and I want to measure the amount of free Asp. and Glu. in the brain of the mice and also I will also measure the levels of free Fatty Acids in the same brains. As you know the whole brain of a mouse is about 0.8 -1 gm, so the brain sample won't be enough to measure both Free Amino Acids and Free Fatty Acids.
I would like to ask the group members about a method that used to measure them by one method. The method implies addition of an unlimited amount of Diethyl ether to extract the Fatty Acids and the supernatent is processed as following to determine FFAs content and residue is processed for FAAs, for FFAs (supernatent is taken and methanol is added then sulphoric acid and subsequent heating). For FAAs the residue is taken and unlimited amount of 80 % ethanol is added so the free Amino Acids is extracted then sent to the Amino Analyzer Lab for subsequent processing. Please anyone help me and review the previous method.
Thanks in Advance