Book Review: Hematological and Metabolic Aspects from Laboratory Medicine by Aurelian Udristioiu, Manole Cojocaru, Radu Iliescu Publisher LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & C. KG, 2011, pp.109, ISBN 978-3-8473-0775-4, Germany
The authors have published numerous articles in professional journals in the country and abroad and produced numerous books. The volume presents the authors' experience in this field of art of medicine. The coverage and the fund of ideas on physiology,pathophysiology work stands as a bold attempt to address laboratory medicine in light of current concepts, directions, and modern principles. The theoretical and practical work is original content. The paper shows the great need for biological sciences in general and medicine in particular taking into account progress in pathophysiology of cancer, especially in Leukemia.
Due to the wealth of modern data, and because the system adopted in drafting the paper is very useful, especially practical in care physicians of all specialties, medical students, staff working in clinical laboratories.
LabMedica International 38
Conference Paper Statement of new medical laboratory Book" Hematological and ...