I found a graphic where someone used a PCA on abundance data and overlaid it with environmental factors of the sites, see the attached graphic of the publication ciliate distributions and forcing factors in the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas (Antarctic) (https://www.int-res.com/articles/ame_oa/a062p215.pdf). I´d really like to know how to do that in R, with a data frame with the abundance at the sites and a data frame with the environmental factors at the sites. Can somebody help with that?

I know that normally you would do a CCA or RDA, nevertheless i really need to know how I can plot that... So i figured out the following. I mean the graph looks like I want it to be, but I can´t imagine this is the right way?

#Create random dataframe of abundance data, I am sure this can be done simpler and more elegant than this ;)


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