I'm looking for the original articles about magnetosphere physics that is written targeting the fundamentals. I'm highly interested in learning everything there is to know about the magnetosphere and how it interacts with the ionosphere.
The most simple method to understand the physical nature of Magnetosphere of different objects in frames of GR is to apply Maxwell equations in terms of physical observed values. These equations are published in our book of Borissova and Rabounski Inside Stars. These equations let to find connections between physical characteristics of the considered space-time and electric and magnetic characteristics of electromagnetic field. This approach lwts to study behavior of different electromagnetic fields created by different objects< for example, for pulsares. GR lets to explain different connections between physical bodies and phenomena. But we must take into account the role of the Time. The Time is not considered in GR, because GR now s only Friedman cosmology, where the role of the time is the same as in Special Relativity: the time flows uniformly as in te Minkowski space. Friedman models do nott consiider in principle gravitation ields and fields of rotation/ The error of Einstein was refusion from models including gravitational field of attraction and repulsion/ GR is the theory which contains many possibilities for solution of different problems. But it is necessary to solve fields equations Einstein equations). It I more right than only study Friedman equations which take into account only deformation. But it is well known for astronomers that red and blue displacement are caused not by deformation of 3-space but changes of frequencies of source and
I like the book by Gerd W. Prölss: Physics of the Earth’s Space Environment. It is not a book that has lots of tedious mathematical derivations. Instead, he develops intuition along with mathematics. Beautifully illustrated.