I wrote Citharina and not Cytherina nor Cytherella! Citharina is a genus of forams and not ostracodes. Obviously we can not confuse ostracode with foram ! Thank you for your interest.
Thank you dear colleagues for your answers, It is probably Planularia because Ammoastuta has an agglutinated test whereas Planularia has an hyalin test.
Sorry. It is with out doubt a Planularia rather than Citharina. I am agree with Zaineb. It is close to Planularia complanata (Reuss). You can see reference of Houlbourn and Moulade 1998: Lower Cretaceous benthic Foraminife assemblages equatorial Atlantic :Biostratigraphy, .... and others
In my opinion a specimen of the photograph belongs to the genus Citharina – the test is subtriangular in outline, flattened and with truncate margins. Proloculus seem to be globular, wall calcareous. The representatives of the genus Planularia are broadly ovate, strongly compressed and the early stage in a partial coil are similar to genus Astacolus..
Additional information on the estimated age of the sediments in which it is established that specimen would also be useful!
Thank you Dr. Daria, Yes since the beginig I thought that it is Citharia but...I need more reference to compare it with others genera...the estimated age is lower Campanian.
I would advise you to compare all significant characteristics of both Planularia and Citharina before final identification especially if this species is abundant. For full taxonomic description use *Loeblich&Tappan 1988 (I have a scanned copy – if you need).
*Loeblich, A.R., Tappan, H., 1988. Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification, 2. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York (970 pp. 847 pls.).
Merci pour votre message et pour votre aide, je tiendrai compte de votre réponse et je vais vérifier l'affiliation générique de cet individu en comparant bien les trois genres...Il est à signaler que ce specimen, présente une carène et il est de forme applatie.
si le test est vraiment aplati (les deux faces parallèles) cela fait pencher pour Citharina mais c'est un genre Jurassoque-Cretacé. Dans quel contexte géologique le trouvez vous ? Saracenaria a une section triangulaire (deux faces non parallèles).. à suivre