Due to COVID- 19, pupil teacher of teacher training programs are doing school internship in online mode which they are completely opposed to. What do you think as to it will adversely affect their learning or not?
Teacher Student interaction is important for learning process. Online learning has become a new normal since the start of this pandemic of COVID 19. Online learning will increase the learning capability of the students and increase self reliance provided they have the zeal and interest to do so. Online learning too has its own advantages and disadvantages. Like a double edged sword.
Teacher Student interaction is important for learning process. Online learning has become a new normal since the start of this pandemic of COVID 19. Online learning will increase the learning capability of the students and increase self reliance provided they have the zeal and interest to do so. Online learning too has its own advantages and disadvantages. Like a double edged sword.
Dear Kiran Rani, good discussion, this is a new consequence due to the COVID-19 pandemic that schools are facing. I agree with Hermann Gruenwald, Irfan Ali Abro , Yousif Yaqoob Yousif, Ruqia Quansar, Boshra A Arnout, and Mounya Abdaoui because this experience that they are going through doing an internship online can be a good training experience for them. See how many teachers needed to improvise their remote activities because they have no previous experience with online teaching, in that sense I think it can be a learning possibility. And also considering that the training courses are longer, they probably already had or will have, after the isolation, the possibility of carrying out an on-site internship. Therefore, at this moment the online internship can be complementary to expand their repertoire of experiences.
Online learning experience is new for the students and their teachers, both will take time to cope with its knitty grittes. Having said that, the role of e-learning in inculcating affective and psychomotor domains of learning is doubtful.
In my opinion, the face to face teaching is the best method of teaching. But, in this Covid-19 situation there is no substitute for online classes. Though, it is not possible in many villages to engage children through online classes due to poor internet connectivity,yet it is a better medium of education now for the children and the teachers residing in town or semitown area. But, the interest of children for online classes is important. So it depends on the teacher how beautifully he has designed the class. There should be Verity of options for teaching. PPT presentation, assignment, video display, Question-answer session, entertaning sessions may be adopted from time to time to bring interest of the children. So, I think it may impact but not adversely. The teacher has to prepare the lesson plan to make the class more informative and entertaining.
It depends on the university preparation for distance learning and the Internet availability/flow as well as students' ownership of technological devices especially in developing countries.
Por supuesto, la experiencia de las clases remotas, ha terminado por darle la razón a Sábato y Francisco Maturana (El sentido de lo humano) cuando afirmaban hace unos 30 años de los graves problemas que implicaría las deshumanización en la educación por el creciente aumento en la utilización de herramientas y máquinas de toda índole. Maturana inclusive aseguró que no se considera comunicación lo que hacemos mediante las plataformas tecnológicas: es simple y llanamente "envío de información" o compartir información. Entonces los resultados son ahora evidentes en dos aspectos: 1. La apropiación de conocimientos y el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico, tiene en las aulas de clases y otros espacios escolares y académicos su mejor y más humano escenario de construcción social. 2. La experiencia de construir una identidad y edificar un sujeto socialmente ético e integro, se logra con otros en la construcción del mundo afectivo, que únicamente el espacio físico puede proveer. Cuando esto falta, el ser humano pierde el interés, porque ir al colegio o la universidad a conseguir la obtención de un logro o grado de instrucción se desvanece si el sujeto no puede gozarse el trayecto del ahora, o inclusive, sufrirlo: estamos hablando entonces, que lo menos importante es el título, ¿cuando la vida misma desaparece para qué estudiar?
Por otra parte existen varias investigaciones, éstas no financiadas por empresas e instituciones interesadas en promover y aumentar el mercado trasnacional de tecnologías, cuyos resultados apuntan a que la lectura en libro impreso asegura una mayor comprensión lectora y una inmejorable oportunidad para adquirir y desarrollar el pensamiento crítico. Otras más recientes señalan los graves problemas de conducta y otras patologías por cuenta del auto-aislamiento de muchos estudiantes, incluso antes de la pandemia.
Para los interesados en conocer más de las aproximaciones que he realizado relacionadas con la pregunta están estas investigaciones:https://palabraclave.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/palabraclave/article/view/2664/3322
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Yes, the way online classes are going on everywhere, it seems more than 50 percent teachers and students are unwillingly participating in the discussion. Sometimes, it is also seen that the students do not listen or answer in the discussions attentively. So, there is absence of a good teaching-learning process through online classes.
Entendendo este período como um novo cenário a ser submetido a nossas experiências e de modo temporário, devemos analisar o fato como algo pontual e não crônico. É tácito o conhecimento de que a aprendizagem é decorrente de nossas experiências que ficam armazenadas em nossa memória e tais experiências nos proporcionam estímulos nas dimensões biológicas/ motoras, cognitivas e afetivas/sociais de modo integrado, portanto entendemos que as experiências virtuais mantêm uma característica diferente neste sentido quando a comparamos com as experiências presenciais. Não podemos indicar perdas consideráveis na modalidade remota se considerarmos sua temporalidade.
Yes it will affect their learning; therefore online teaching training programs need to focus on integrating the affective domain into the teaching learning process. A subtle blend of online and offline individualized or collaborative learning may be suitable in this regard.