Hi, everyone

I am a novice in biology, I am now conducting experiments on MDA-MB-231 cell lines. my results from cell viability assays are not like my expectation, I ,therefore, hope experts in this field could help me out. I will list some questions below.

1. when I did cell counting, I often dilute to 16-20 cells per square, so I wonder that the number of the cells is enough to be a representative sample for the whole population. because if the number of cells is higher, I find it difficult to count them.

2. I seeded 10^4 cells/well in a 96-well plate, and my positive control has a quite low signal in comparison to the previous results that I took from my senior. do you have any recommendation please tell me.

3. I carry out cell viability by Ws-1 assay. I read its protocol and it tells that after seeding cells, we will wait for it in 24 hours. I think the aim of this step is to await them to adhere to the well surface, so could I reduce the time or not.

Thank all of you for spending your time to read my question, I hope to receive your answers as soon as possible.

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