I am writing my thesis project proposal this summer and need to find theories on business development/growth. I am building a marketing campaign for a local bank whose overall goal is to increase growth (deposits, investors, etc.).
May I recommend you to read fully my articles as attached in which you will find somethings helpful in your purpose. Also I will publish some new articles in your research field very soon.
Article Explanation of the " Strategic Marketing Management " model ...
Article Explanation of the“Strategic Assessment Model” and verificat...
The OLI model developed by Dunning in 1981 explained the emergence of international development through strategic managerial choices between different forms of international development
The HOS theory. According to this theory, each must specialize in the production for which he possesses a better endowment in these factors
Definitely theories on business development/growth is related to a marketing campaign for banking sector.Banking is not merely profitable organization but it is related to mitigating social obligations as well as working intermediary between deficit unit and surplus unit.
Recommend ' Redding and Witt Chian's business system and its future trajetory',Asia Pacific Journal of Management,2009,26(3):381-399' and 'Witt Michael A.The Oxford Handbook of Asian Business.Oxford,UK :Oxford University Press,2014.'
I am attaching my theory on Social Networking and community banking.You can test it as it is developed to indicate how micro savings can be transformed to micro investment.Please see the attached file.