
Is the non-normally distributed data appropriate in MLP-based regression?

I know that normal distrubution of variables is one of the assumption of the linear multivariate regression (LMR) modelling. But what about sigmoidal multilayer perceptron?

I have 5 inputs and 1 output. Only one input and output are normal, while the rest is skewed (some even highly).

Let's say that MLP based on this data gives good results (R2, RMSE, MAE, etc.), far better than LMR. Also the MLP's residuals are not autocorrelated, normally distributed and homoscedastic. So, is that proper to tell that MLP can cope with highly skewed inputs?

Can the better performance of MLP be explained only by the non-linear model structure? Whether it is also a matter of ability of operation on the skewed data? 

Thanks for answer.

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