I am managing a German Research Project on "Agile Documentation" and am looking for Software Engineers who are willing to answer my (German only) Questionnaire. Thanks in advance.
Excellent, we were just dealing with the issue of system documentation. The questionnaire itself is already helpful with regard to various aaims and criteria of documentation.
I am not a German Software Engineer, but I took your survey. It was very interesting and well thought out. (Why not to propose it to wider global software engineering community? To add an English version of the survey would be quite easy.)
The second key point of the Agile Manifesto - "Working software over comprehensive documentation" - is being perceived by many pracrtitioners as close to "No documentation at all". I greatly appreciate your study, which can help in achieving a more balanced and systematic approach to the issues of "agile documentation".
I'd like to mention our conference paper, published in Russian a decade prior to The Agile Manifesto, but possibly touching some aspect of the "agile documentation" issues. The aspect is very narrow - the user documentation, and the guess that the proposed ideas have relation to the agile methods is just my own impression, other persons may disagree with me. Below is the link to the English translation of that old paper. Many thanks for your very interesting question.
Thank you for your Feedback, Literature and of course for answering my Survey. Maybe I should have made my question more precisely to address German speaking software engieneers :)
I will think about your suggestion to make an English version available.