A number of subjects exhibit a hypersensitivity to immunoglobulin replacement therapies in primary immunodefiency and common variable immunodeficiency disease. Are there any studies or treatment studies underway that address this issue?
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › NCBI › Literature › PubMed Central (PMC)
When administered on a weekly basis, SCIg provides stable steady-state serum ... In addition to the innate immune system, it does this using two components of the .... The SC route of Ig also has been used as a home replacement therapy in .... the patient's clinical response to Hizentra™ therapy and serum immunoglobulin ...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › NCBI › Literature › PubMed Central (PMC)
Replacement immunoglobulin therapy is the standard of care for primary humoral ... Eventually, IM administration of IgG was superceded by IV and SC treatment .... In the adaptive immune response, gene elements are rearranged on the ... Table 2 describes key components of the body's immune system and their functions.
Thank you, but I was seeking for current research into the autoimmune component reaction experienced by recipients of IGG replacement drugs inclusive of those you listed. These individuals may give insight into other autoimmune complex diseases who also demonstrate immune compromised systems.