Besides transfer length method (TLM) and CTLM, is there any practical method that can be used to measure the specific contact resistance (Ohm-cm2) of metal-semiconductor contact?
One of the typical test structure used for evaluation of specific contact resistance on diffused layers is Cross-Bridge Kelvin Resistor (CBKR). You can find the method on internet. I suggest you the paper “Cross-Bridge Kelvin Resistor (CBKR) Structures for Measurement of Low Contact Resistances”, by N. Stavitski, J.H. Klootwijk, H.W. van Zeijl, B.K. Boksteen, A.Y. Kovalgin, R.A.M. Wolters, or “A Study of Cross-Bridge Kelvin Resistor Structures for Reliable Measurement of Low Contact Resistances” by the same authors.
There are also specific methods using test structures with homogeneous resistivity, having vertical current flow and based on the contact diameter variation.