I know of one paper of Bojan Mohar called "Embedding graphs in an arbitrary surface in linear time" (see link). Maybe you have to do little bit of further research to find one version for download.
Thanks, Naduvath and Korimort. However, both papers seems slightly different from my question. In my question, the embedding is given, we need to check if it is a minimum genus embedding. (Of course, we are not assumed to be aware of the (minimum) genus of the graph.)
I found that "embeddings of graphs with no short non contractible cycles" by Thomassen is more related to my question. But, he gave sufficient conditions in the paper instead of necessary conditions.
Thanks Tingzeng and all. From the material I have found so far, it seems there aren't (many) necessary conditions for an embedding of a graph to be a minimum genus embedding of the graph.
For those might be interested: The said necessary condition in my last comment can be found in the paper "On the local genus distribution of graph embeddings, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 101 (2017), pp. 157-173".