As we know, Theorems in differential topology and algebraic topology facilitated the development of many crucial concepts in economics, namely the Nash equilibrium—a solution concept in game theory established by John F. Nash, Jr.—which was ultimately proved by the Brouwer fixed-point theorem in topology (Dilkina et al. 42- 43). Many other economic theories, such as the microeconomic general equilibrium theory, largely depend on topological theorems. Moreover, analyzing different topological networks of economic systems can provide mathematical insight into how the society is financially functioning. For instance, by producing empirical models of labor markets which connect individuals’ employment situations, economists found that the differences in the topology of such networks greatly influence the inequalities in wages as well as the duration and correlation of their unemployment rates (Klinedinst et al. 11). but I ask if there any other applications in economic.
Given the importance of the economy in sustaining life. what you see?