The nerves of the cornea are localised as the branches of tree, that is why in herpetic keratitis due to Herpes virus corneal epithelial defect looks like dendritis
Here are are couple of papers of logarithmic spiral innervation in cornea both in a rat model:
Nejad, T. M., Iannaccone, S., Rutherford, W., Iannaccone, P. M., & Foster, C. D. Mechanics and spiral formation in the rat cornea. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology, 14(1), 107-122, (2015).
And in humans : Marfurt CF, Cox J, Deek S, Dvorscak L. Anatomy of the human corneal innervation. Exp. Eye. Res. 90, 478–492 (2010).
"As to whether you can "prove" whether they are log spirals, look at the following:
Yet it turns out the the Fibonacci spiral is a very good approximation of the golden spiral [5]. To hammer home the point...Note that, while the two spirals are not exactly the same, they line up very closely. If we continued the figure farther out (by adding more squares), we would see the two spirals converge more and more."
So, whether a Fibonacci spiral is the same as a golden spiral depends on your decision to accept the difference of overlap.
So like the nerves and log spirals. If you measure them (compare with a log spiral of X degrees), there will not be complete overlap but it's your choice to say whether it's close enough to determine identity.