Some suggest that "there is currently no strong evidence for a close link between stress and seizures in the majority of people with epilepsy, although animal research suggests that such links are likely".
others suggest that "neurobiological underpinnings of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNESs) and of alterations of awareness associated with PNESs demands an understanding of conscious experiences and discrepancies between subjective impairment of consciousness and the lack of objectifiable neurobiological changes, including understanding of sensory, situational, and emotional triggers; emotional and physiological changes during the attacks; and styles of emotional reactivity and regulatory capacity. We also suggest that in addition to the typical comparisons between patients with PNESs and those with epilepsy, studies of PNESs would benefit from the inclusion of comparison groups such as those with PTSD, dissociation, and other forms of psychopathology where dissociative and emotion regulatory mechanisms have been explored more fully."
The role of stress as a trigger for epileptic seizures: A narrative review of evidence from human and animal studies. Novakova, Barbora; Harris, Peter R.; Ponnusamy, Athi; Reuber, Markus. Epilepsia 54.11 (Nov 2013): 1866-1876.
Alterations of consciousness in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures: Emotion, emotion regulation and dissociation.Roberts, Nicole A.; Reuber, Markus. Epilepsy & Behavior 30 (Jan 2014): 43-49.
; Dear Beatrice: Many thanks for your sti mulating response, encouraging clarifiaction:
a) Typicalstsudies of "consaciousness" are limited to awareness. Alterantion of conciousness, dubbed "paleo-cpnsienceness" in the proposed "limbic psychotic trigger reaction" (LPTR) .reveals cetain "objective" signs: autonomic arousal (its signs can be present post facto in undertwear etc) the out-of-character feloneous acts sugest a brief atavistic regression to a non-human prinmate level (where memory is preserved) ; future research on volition has been suggested i A Pontius Neurocase 2008;14(1) p. 43 + Suppl2.RG.doc.
b) In general, experiential kindling as a mechanism needs to be specifically mentioned, its sub-threshold trigger stimusl in contrast to PTSD, dissociation etc.
c) As comparison groups may serve the multitude of the typically extremely different crimials Epilepsy & Behavior, AA Ponus & GH Wieser, 2004;5:775-783 Table 1)
d) So far only 24 felonious court cases habe come to attention, the number of subjects may be enlarged to non-felonious merely "social misbehaviors, injurious bo both victim andf perpetrator alike, may exist undetected and untreated among the general population (recruited via media) for future reseach.