Researchers are attending or organising a series of webinars in this COVID-19 pandemic? Even most of the listeners are got saturated mainly students. Up to what extent it is fruitful to our research community.
Yes, I believe that sharing knowledge help in our hardiness and resilience. Please refer to this paper for more details Article Analysing Hardiness Resilience in COVID-19 Pandemic -Using F...
Well it is no different from physical contact presentations provided that you have a stable internet connection. The platform for navigating through online course material is there. Academic articles, books and journals have been digitized and are at a disposal for almost everyone even outside of academia making research easier. The disadvantage of course are those who require the usage of laboratories to conduct their experiments. Though I believe as time goes, applications or softwares will be developed that enable digital experimentation to cover more practical fields. Skilled communicators are able to present lessons through powerpoints online if the need arises for better understanding. Things have become more convenient.