I am currently doing an undergrad dissertation where I am measuring habitat fragmentation in Borneo from oil palm plantations (1973-2014). So far I have made my two landcover maps using Landsat imagery (1973 - MSS and 2014 - 8) which was then classified using an ISODATA algorithm. The result is two raster classified raster images with varying class sizes in both e.g. the amount of pixels for the forest class in 2014 is less than in 2014 due to landcover change.
Essentially to quantify fragmentation I need to measure certain metrics and so far I have been able to work out 'Class size area (ha)' and 'Percentage of landscape (%)'. I still need to work out:
I am by no means an expert so these are the metrics I thought would be most appropriate. If there are others I would like to know! Also just to add I have tried using FRAGSTATS but whenever I go to generate the statistics the software crashes and closes down unexpectedly.
I have also tried to download PatchAnalyst for ArcGIS but again had limited success.... Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,