We got our construct packaged into AAV particles from a vector core at a reputed institution. We received 10x 100uL aliquots (all made in the same prep).

I further aliquoted 1 of them into 5uL aliquots in December 2016 stored at -80C. We used all 20. No problem.

I thawed out a new one in September 2017, used 3 aliquots had no issues either. A rotation student in the lab injected some mice with 1 aliquots in October 2017, and the mice seemed lethargic after, almost moribund but they recovered. We just blamed it on their inexperience and moved on.

Now, a post-doc in the lab injected some mice with the 6th aliquot , and all of his mice died. I injected 2 mice - 1 with a fresh 5uL aliquot (6th aliquot) from -80C and 1 with another virus that was aliquoted around the same time as this one. Same bag of tubes used to make the aliquots. Stored at -80C.

The first mouse died and the other survived.

Injected a few different mouse lines we have - they all died.

I thawed out a new 100uL aliquot and aliquoted it into 20 x 5uL aliquots. Now I injected 2 mice with the new aliquot and 2 with a new 5uL aliquot of the old (7th aliquot).

The old virus killed both mice within hours of surgery. Mice injected with the newly aliquoted virus survived and were doing very well.

The mice woke up from the surgery, seemed to have groomed off the eye ointment, but were just laying down. One of the mice had a foamy white eye discharge before death.

My site of injection is under the lateral ventricle. So normally when I pull my syringe out, I get some CSF leak. It is clear looking. However, the mice injected with the "old virus" had bloody, cloudy CSF come up.

It does not make sense to me that something developed in my aliquoted virus over the period of a month (AT -80C!) that is causing this? And if thats the case, then why that 100uL aliquot and not the others?

Anyone have any guesses?

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