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Here are some resources for analyzing Ramachandran plots:
Ramachandran Plot Evaluation Server
1:This server assesses the quality of a Ramachandran plot based on a given PDB file. It compares the plot with those from approximately 400 representative high-resolution protein structures. You can upload your own PDB file or choose from existing ones. STAN Server
2:Accepts any PDB file you provide. Based on MOLEMAN2, it generates Ramachandran plots. Colored Ramachandran Plot Server
3:Displays a colored Ramachandran plot. Blue represents helix regions, red indicates strands, and green corresponds to turns and loops. The plot overlays preferred areas based on phi-psi probabilities.
These tools aid researchers in understanding protein conformation and folding, contributing to our knowledge of the intricate dance of molecules within living systems. 🧬