I'm looking for a book , article or review about piezoelectricity . Especially the physics of pizo - phenomena and the meaning of the D33 , D31 , D51 , D15 , or K33 or e33 .
See Ch. VII, Piezoelectricity. Third-Rank Tensors, of the book by J.F. Nye, Physical Properties of Crystals: Their Representation by Tensors and Matrices (Oxford University Press, 1985) - relevant URL attached.
I understand that the response is not timely, but just in case, I propose you to examine the "classic" literature on the subject:
1. Cady W. Piezoelectricity. An Introduction to the theory and applications of electromechanical phenomena in crystals // Toronto - New York - London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1946.
2. Mason W.P. Physical Acoustics. Principles and Methods. Vol. I. Methods and Devices (Parts A, B) // Academic Press, London and New York, 1964.
3. Jaffe B., Cook W.R., Jr., and Jaffe H. Piezoelectric ceramics // Academic Press, London and New York, 1971.
4. Okazaki, K. Ceramic Engineering for Dielectrics, 1978
I also saw you to ask about ceramic poling process, you can find some answers in last two books.
Explanation of the piezo-measurements you can find in IEEE standard (and references within):
IEEE Standard on Piezoelectricity // New York: IEEE Press, 1987.