Our CO2 supply is outside in a cage and there is fairly long distance pipework going around the outside of the wall to the entry point in the wall of the lab. Since turning late Autumn/early winter, some of our cells are starting to look a bit odd. It seems to get worse the colder it gets. The incubators are reading 5% CO2 (so unlikely a leak), the temperature is correct too. They are newish incubators, only serviced recently (we are getting our own CO2 meter to check soon too). All reagents were replaced (several times). Two different people have had the same problem, so not user error either (both experienced users). Different batches of cells have been tried too. Its the first time Ive ever used a supply from outside, (its usually next to the incubator) so I was wondering if it had an effect on anything as Im running out of ideas. Many thanks

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