We have now done analysis on prevalence of doping in different collectives using alsmost the same randomized response technique.
Prevalence of "Cognitive enhancement", or illicit drug use, or a recreational misuse of prescription drugs for "hobby-doping purposes" in our general population tends to be roughly 15% in western societies.
Doping prevalence in junior elite sports is relatively low! Almost sero in the south-west german schools of elite sports (we only published a conference abstract on this; at that time we thought it is an unimportant information) and roughly 6.8% in national elite junior athletes.
Doping prevalence is very high in top-elite athletes (see link) to our recent study.
What do do?
Shall we put even more pressure on our elite athletes? Is it justified to use this result to infringe the personal rights of elite athletes even more? Is there a sense in extensive funding going into analytical attempts at all?
I would be interested in your opinion what science could possibly contribute to improve the fight against doping.
What is the most reasonable next step or shall we step out of the system and rather do something else?