Hi all,

I am performing exploratory classical MD calculations for graphane in a rather unusual geometry. In this geometry, all H atoms are on the same side of the sheet, and the graphane sheet is planar. The C-C chemical bonds are about 20% longer than the equilibrium graphene bonds. This geometry has been predicted to be stable by DFT calculations (right now I don't have the reference at hand - I remember it is a PRB rapid comm - sorry for that).

Problem is, my total energy curves versus lattice parameter become linear when I make the lattice parameters smaller than the equilibrium lattice parameter for this configuration (which according to the current REAXFF parametrizations included with LAMMPS is, btw, smaller than that predicted by DFT). I am trying various REAXFF potential files present in LAMMPS, but none give me a description compatible with that from DFT.

Would anyone know of a REAXFF parametrization for highly stretched (that is, very far from equilibrium) C-C bonds? Or, maybe, some simple modification to the existent REAXFF potentials to get a description of these bonds - maybe some cutoff distance for C-C interaction that could be increased, for example?

Thanks in advance!

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