I want to do a pinch analysis or energy integration for some existing process plants. I am just a beginner in this and want help from you regarding the software or tool selection for the analysis. Please suggest some tools ...
Hi Santosh Kumar Saini ! Did I understand you correctly that you're searching for a software for data analysis? Then I might recommend using NumeRe (https://en.numere.org/) as an open source numerical framework with many plotting functionalities. Can also open Excel files and provides FFT, FWT and fitting functionalities. You may get in touch, if you need further support.
Hello Erik Hänel ! Actually, I am looking for a tool for pinch analysis (heat integration in refrigeration plants). I don't think NumeRe can solve that purpose. Pinch analysis is generally performed for heat integration or process integration for better utilization of heat/energy or process, usually in chemical industries or power plants....
Please let me know if I can solve the problem with your suggested software...if I am wrong
Hello Santosh Kumar Saini ! Thanks for the feedback. I looked that up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinch_analysis So you're searching for the pinch point in your energy flows? Or are you searching for a software for calculating such flows? NumeRe provides a procedure interpreter if you need more functionality than a regular table calulation.
Would be nice to have a brief abstract example on what you trying to solve. I'm willing to provide as much help as I can. All the best!
Thanks, Erik Hänel for your interest in my problem!! Yes, actually I am looking for a tool like HINT (http://www.ivt.ntnu.no/ept/fag/tep4215/innhold/software.htm)
I would like to brief you on the research abstract if you further find it interesting...
I use "HINT" and "Aspen Energy Analyzer" software to perform pinch analysis, which are very useful and practical. I suggest you to use the second one because of the better user environment and possibility of accessing to more details in energy systems analysis.