There are different content validity index. These techniques vary according to data structure, item types and purpose. For example, there are indices developed from Lawshe, Davis, Hambleton and other authors. There are also statistics based on percentage and proportion of concardance among experts. Good luck
As you reached this stage, each concept to be measured should have its own dimensions and/or aspects. Therefore, the experts are required to state whether each item represents/relates to the dimension, is clear, and is important.
There is not an index for content validity. But Lawshe technic can be used for this purpose. Decisions are made based on the opinions of subject matter experts. The article is attachment.
And you can use the multidimensional scaling for content validity like Sireci (1998) does.
Sireci, S. G. (1998). The construct of content validity. Social Indicators Research, 45(1),
Article A Quantitative Approach to Content Validity
There are different content validity index. These techniques vary according to data structure, item types and purpose. For example, there are indices developed from Lawshe, Davis, Hambleton and other authors. There are also statistics based on percentage and proportion of concardance among experts. Good luck