
I am running pcr to compare the gene expression of different genes between different treatment group.

∆Ct (reference gene) = Ct (treated) – Ct (untreated)

∆Ct (target gene) = Ct (treated) – Ct (untreated)

∆∆Ct = ∆Ct (target gene) – ∆Ct (average of three reference gene)

Fold change = 2–∆∆CT

And I am presenting my data as log10(FC)

· Is this the right way to present the data?

· How can I run one-way ANOVA to compare treatment to control if the control always 1?

· In my presentation should I use geometric mean ± 95%CI instead of Mean ± SEM?

· Should I run the stat. on log10(FC)?

Many thanks for your time,


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