layered model to describe network
Hi, I am trying to construct a multi-layer fibril structure from a single layer in PyMol by translating the layer along the fibril axis. For now, I am able to use the Translate command in PyMol...
02 March 2021 4,569 4 View
Hello! I have a dataset of n=3000 nested within 8 countries with approximately 200 or 400 responses in each country. I originally planned to perform multilevel modelling with 4 dependent variables...
02 March 2021 6,865 1 View
Hi Community, I'm facing the issue of integration/compiling a new routing protocol in a WSN simulator. The final goal is to successfully add, configure this routing protocol in hardware devices...
01 March 2021 9,332 6 View
Dear Researchers I am trying to perform a PIL simulation using STM32F4 Discovery board and comunication serial USB TO TTL. During simulation I receive the following timeout error: An error...
01 March 2021 2,327 1 View
In R-studio, there are many commands of Gumbel package. Arguments are also different. I`m asking about the alpha parameter of the Copula which must be greater than 1. If this is the one used to...
25 February 2021 5,229 3 View
Does data from contact tracing help in establishing patterns of behavior and social interactions that lead to infections? There are cases here in the Philippines where patients have no travel...
25 February 2021 9,002 13 View
I want to map these river geoforms with as little subjectivity as possible. I have a high resolution DEM generated by drone data.
22 February 2021 7,800 3 View
I notice that upon washing and air-drying of my RGO/SPCE surface and characterizing again via DPV, the current response towards ferricyanide probe significantly decreases. My worry is that the...
22 February 2021 5,324 3 View
I am currently working on gene clustering based on co-expression pattern in mouse brain. The problem is I do not have some solid way to test my result. Are there any suggestions for databases...
22 February 2021 4,374 3 View
I am planning to work on T2 diabetic animals and check the efficacy of probiotics. My initial plan is to fed B6 animals with HFD for a while. But now, I have the chance to work on ob/ob mice. My...
18 February 2021 6,896 3 View