Non Von Neumann computers are an interesting topic, understanding their usage in the spiking or artificial neural network (machine learning in general). Memristor is a viable building block for implementing analog computers and of course, neural networks in the hardware level. Two main problems (as I can count) for building an architecture based on memristors are their dynamic range and the difference in writing and clearing the memristor (in the terms of linearity as the necessary steps for writing an amplitude to a memristor are not necessarily equal to the ones for bringing it back to its base state).

As we are talking about processing analog data, we deal with the current's amplitude (or maybe phase). But what if we use the frequency instead of amplitude? Instead of multiplying or adding the currents together, we manipulate the frequency in each node. I know that i'm adding (maybe a lot of) complexity to the architecture, but in the meantime, we will achieve (probably) a great dynamic range and linearity in our design. I've found something that is near to my idea in the paper: "STFNets: Learning Sensing Signals from the Time-Frequency Perspective with Short-Time Fourier Neural Networks".

I've some non elaborated ideas in mind to implement this architecture (like using blocks as simple as an analog mixers based on memristors (which maybe some say is backing to our main problems, but I think not necessarily)) and of course some questions remain, like power efficiency or frequency interference.

Anyway, I will appreciate if anyone can participate in this discussion to find a better and more reliable answer to this question.


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