I'm using AMOS 20 to analyse some data. I have four humour styles (latent variables), three types of peer-victimisation (PV), gender, and a measure of depression (latent variable).

The model is one where all three types of PV have direct effects on depression. They also have direct effects on the four humour styles, and the four humour styles have direct effect on depression as well.

When I run this model using observed indicators for the three PV variables (using a simple mean of the relevant items for each type of PV) I get a good fitting model, and sensible standardised estimates. However, when I replace the PV indicators with full measurement models the estimates change radically. In the second model, with PV measurement models, the standardised values are totally different to the standardised values in the first model. Not only that, but some of the values are very high and one is 1.23. However, in model two the unstandardised estimates are very similar to the standardised estimates in model one.

Any ideas why this is happening? The only explanation I can think of is that in the second model all paths between latent variables are paths between varaibles which are already standardised, and therefore the unstandardised estimates should be used. But I don't want to rush ahead if this explanation is wrong.

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