I have a hemispherical-shaped part in abaqus, and i want to define acoustic infinite elements on the round surface. To accomplish this i have taken the following steps:
- define a reference point at the center of the part
- define a skin on the round surface of the part
- create an acoustic infinite section (category: other; type: acoustic infinite). This section references a material with the density and bulk modulus properties defined.
- assign the section to the skin of the part.
- assign ACIN3D3 (infinite) elements to the skin in mesh module. The rest of the part was meshed with acoustic finite elements (solid, homogeneous section).
What makes me doubt that i am using the elements correctly is the fact that when i run a datacheck for the job, i get the warning that some of the elements are distorted, which i believe may cause the results to be inaccurate. I don't know how to make these elements undistorted. I attach an image: on the left, on white is the skin that i defined, and the green region was meshed with the finite acoustic elements; on the right the distorted infinite elements are shown. Do you know if i'm using the infinite elements correctly? why are the elements distorted and how can i make them undistorted?. I thank you very much for any help in advance.