01 January 1970 25 7K Report

The discovery of the spooky quantum phenomena as an aspect of objective reality at the turn of the 20th century demolished the notions of certainty, causality, determinism etc. It unnerved the theoretical physicists to consider even the insensitive Michelson–Morley (M-M) experiment (to find the constancy of the velocity of light c) as the Holy-Grail of physics. The velocity of light became an axiomatic and absolute truth in God’s perfect universe, safe from the "Evil Quanta"!! The velocity of light c was an ordinary constant in Maxwell’s equation, as is the case for any wave propagation. This was known for a long time, but nobody made any fuss about it, until M-M experiment; when Maxwell’s c got a divine dimension!

As the following references would show, taking c as an absolute quantity and primary basis; the Lorentz Transforms ( LTs), “spacetime”, gamma factor, relativistic mass, Special Relativity (SR), and in general most of theoretical physics was fabricated using brain-cooked Kantian logical/mathematical categories, and even dodgy mathematics by Einstein himself! With “absolute” c turned into a geometric parameter as one invariable side of a Pythagorean (Rt. Ang.) triangle, with space (length) and time as the other two (variable) sides, one can then easily fabricate all the items stated above in a “Thought World”; masquerading as the real world!

It can be argued that modern official theoretical physics has two forms 1) Thought (logical/mathematical categories) derived scholasticism of Einstein, 2) Bishop Berkeley’s crass positivism ('Esse est percipi' - 'To be is to be perceived”), adopted by Niels Bohr (Collapse of the wave function). Einstein was a mystic, or at best a mathematical idealist; promoted and choreographed from backstage by powerful interest groups; which continues even today! Physics was made to preach theology!

Please see:

“The Mystery of the Lorentz Transform: A Reconstruction and Its Implications for Einstein's Theories of Relativity and cosmology” : INSPIRE>HEP: https://inspirehep.net/literature/2158754

"New Physics -The Negation of Einstein's Theories of Relativity - The Real Phenomenology of Space-Time-Matter-Motion": https://rajpub.com/index.php/jap/article/view/9594

"New Physics II – Quantum-Dialectical Derivation of New Mass-Energy Relation Invalidates Einstein’s Famous Equation E = mc^2": Article New Physics II – Quantum-Dialectical Derivation of New Mass-...

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