Are environmentalists concerned about global warming because our sun's outer shell is cooling down while the inner shell is heating up, which has a big impact on Earth?
Thank you for your contrary interpretation supported by articles in "Skeptical Science."
In a way, your citation may be interpreted to suggest that global warming is such a big issue here on Earth because none of the other planets in the solar system is experiencing warming, at least according to "Skeptical Science."
It would be interesting to see an academic journal article that either approves (or disapproves) of the assertion that Earth is undergoing global warming.
There are thousands of journal articles showing warming on Earth -- and the vast bulk of scientists agree warming is happening. There is limited evidence for other planets, which has to do with lack of instrument measurement, and the fact that years are longer on other planets, so the solar cycle is different (e.g., there are about 11,000 Earth days in a Saturn solar year; 60,200 for Neptune). On global warming/climate change, here is a link to an incomplete bibliography which the post says contains nearly 3,000 manuscript references:
It is important to note that the luminosity of the Sun in the modern era is practically unchanged, with fluctuations at the level of 0.1%. For the Earth, such fluctuations can change the temperature by only 1 degree. Since global warming on Earth over the past 200 years exceeds this value, some other factors play a role, not the Sun or solar activity. The most likely reason is the weakening of the magnetic field of our Earth. Over the past 65 years, it has weakened by 3%. This may well give the effect of global warming. Sincerely, Vsevolod Lozitsky.
Dear colleagues, there is a clear anticorrelation between the magnetic field and temperature. Sunspots appear dark because the temperature in them is almost 2 times lower. But in sunspots, the magnetic field is significantly enhanced compared to the surrounding photosphere. Secondly, in solar prominences, the kinetic temperature is 104 K, while in the surrounding corona it is of the order of 106 K. The same feature: in prominences, the magnetic field is about an order of magnitude stronger than outside them. Thirdly, the same picture is observed on Earth, if we go along the geographic parallel and compare the magnetic field strength and the temperature averaged over the year. That is, there is reason to believe that the weakening of the Earth's magnetic field in recent decades gives a climatic effect. The reason for this lies in the molten core of the Earth, where for some reason the generation of the Earth's magnetic field has weakened. That is, perhaps humanity is not to blame in this case. But humanity is blame for polluting the planet, for example, with plastic bags. I think and hope that it is in our power to change here the situation for the better. Sincerely, V. Lozitsky.