24 Questions 949 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Thierry De Mees
Since a few decades, all the planets get the temperature raise from the Sun: Interplanetary Climate Change NASA's Hottest Secret. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqOkMaaYaAs "We can look at all...
02 February 2020 3,517 3 View
First, in Einstein's 1905 paper, the "kinematical part", he uses information exchanges by observation (light) between reference frames, and concludes that the incoming light is deformed. When...
07 July 2019 9,932 101 View
What are the harmful EM waves and how can we protect ourselves against it? The harmful EM waves are defined in: Robert Duncan's book – the matrix deciphered (2010)...
05 May 2019 3,764 1 View
Nikola Tesla's legacy: which unknown secrets did he discover?
02 February 2019 1,496 2 View
If the atoms (particles) inside an object can be addressed directly by a force, (so, not a force initiating at a point that is futher distributed through the object), would the object still 'feel'...
12 December 2018 4,381 9 View
Manmade Climate Change, a Scam? The video below is that of a large group of climate scientists who complain that nobody bothers about the truth: The sunspots are directly related to the...
11 November 2018 3,341 65 View
In "Constitutie Politeia", Plato explains -through Socrates- how a state should take form, by the respect of every citizen's rights and duties. Thrasymachus on his side declares that the best is...
11 November 2018 584 15 View
The correct execution of basic physics is under pressure, nowadays. This is especially visible on the internet. In order to focus on the basics of physics, I ask the following question: Does every...
06 June 2018 3,842 51 View
The correct execution of basic physics is under pressure, nowadays. This is especially visible on the internet. In order to focus on the basics of physics, I ask the following question: What...
06 June 2018 9,521 36 View
The great Louis de Broglie understood what the limitations of SRT are, and he wrote it down in his 1937 book “La Physique Nouvelle et les Quanta”: He wrote : "There is, however, one essential...
03 March 2018 4,759 55 View
The quasar's redshift distribution in our part of the universe is found to have at least 5 large peaks, according to K. G. Karlsson et al. It means that there are at least 5 large groupings of...
03 March 2018 6,992 47 View
From the online MIT textbook, (chapter 4 annexed) the following results: The retardation of the electromagnetic fields of fast moving charges reshape the fields completely: the electric field in...
03 March 2018 8,790 25 View
The solar wind exerts a pressure upon Mercury. How much is this at its perihelion?
02 February 2018 5,353 2 View
Let a negatively charged plastic rod, with static electricity, be placed upon a small wagon on rails, and let the magnetic fields be measured by a nearby Hall-effect-sensor circuit in the...
10 October 2017 6,032 7 View
In electromagnetism, is the magnetic field, generated by charges, relative to the observer?
10 October 2017 4,844 58 View
Is there any direct observation of the alleged Lorentz invariance, for example in electromagnetism? I propose the following experiment: Imagine a cathode ray (bundle) of electrons at a certain,...
10 October 2017 3,506 24 View
*modified* 2017-03-27. The virial theorem as it is applied to elliptical and disc galaxies, the mass is calculated out of the potential energy and out of the kinetic energy. However, the equation...
03 March 2017 6,467 22 View
Herein "f" is the Sun's spin frequency. The radius R has to be taken around 0.94 R or 0.95 R according to different models. The Dalsgaard model for the solar density shows a hyperbolic-like...
02 February 2017 7,781 7 View
Does a photon in a light beam sees the other photons of that beam going at the speed of light or at speed zero? Why?
11 November 2016 6,682 20 View
Hi all, I am working on a hypothesis that might seem surprizing to some of you. Since the nebula theory needs multiple suppositions that I consider unrealistic, I have tested the hypothesis that...
11 November 2015 4,629 1 View
Should ResearchGate restore full pagination in the Questions forum, instead of a "chat of the day"? A few months ago, it was easily possible to see the full thread of a discussion for Questions,...
01 January 1970 589 0 View
The link below shows that Mercury's anomalous perihelion advance can perfectly be described by the (locally almost rectilinear) motion of the Sun, which occasions a gravitational induction of the...
01 January 1970 6,188 42 View
Are two long parallel wires of mass per length M, moving at the same velocity v, in the same direction, attracting more, less or the same as Newton's law? Are two infinite parallel wires of mass...
01 January 1970 2,898 45 View
What did the experiment of Hafele and Keating exactly prove with respect to the Special relativity and the intrinsic change of time? According to A. G. Kelly PhD, the Original Test Results and H...
01 January 1970 7,985 38 View